
Connect to thousands of applications and pull data to ClicData’s data warehouse with our Zapier integration.

  • Cloud App
logo zapier

Integration Overview

With ClicData you can create and distribute dashboards that display and blend data from 1,000+ apps the way you want it. Use ClicData + Zapier to ensure that the latest data is refreshed in ClicData when an event takes place in another system. Automate your reporting: data refreshes, alerts, notifications to stay on top of your business performance. Create custom and interactive dashboards with our 50+ data visualization options.

Key Benefits

  • Trigger automated data updates in ClicData from thousands of data sources via Zaps
  • Build calculated metrics in ClicData based on multiple datasets
  • Share live data and dashboards to all stakeholders

Sample Metrics

  • Marketing KPIs
  • Sales KPIs
  • Financial KPIs
  • Operational KPIs

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